Friday, June 17, 2011

Comfort in Relationships

Those you will find to be better off in relationship are folks that are at ease within themselves and the partner God has given them. The next important thing to them is usually to bring out the best in such partners for a better life for both of them in the relationship and what will come out of it.
The moment we set out for a relationship with the opposite sex, our quest should equally be to ascertain what exactly we are out to achieve in such relationship, as God is never in support of unholy union at any excuse. What are we in relationship for? To some, it is just for the fun of it. But for better end, it is most important to set out for the good in relationship than for sensual ends.
One witty saying that has remained with us for sometime now is that "as you lay your bed, so shall you lye upon it". By implication, you are likely going to enjoy or endure whatever becomes of your love life. No wonder, the holy book admonish the wise ones as follows, "guide your heart... because, from therein flows the issue of life" (Prov. 4:23) your heart is described as the spring of issue of life, what needs more to be said?
Love is one of the issues of life that may flow out of your heart even before you are rightly prepare for it, or when your maturity is yet to arrive at tandem with your chemistry. Nevertheless it's part of the mystery of existence that opposite sex will sort one another out and fall in love.


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